Prodigy installation problem on Centos 7


I’m running the installation of prodigy on my Centos 7 Linux, and I get the error “prodigy-1.7.1-cp35.cp36.cp37-cp35m.cp36m.cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.”

I already checked the linux version wiht distutils.util.get_platform(), changed the wheel file name and it still doesn’t work.

This is the result of the get_platform: linux-x86_64


Javier Movilla

Hi all,

I finally installed a virtual python environement and now it works.


Javier Movilla

@Javi_Movilla Thanks for updating with your solution – glad to hear it worked! :+1:

Also, just for completeness: Ultimately, the .whl is just an archive file containing the Python package. So even if installing from the wheel file doesn’t work, or you want to run Prodigy in an environment that can’t support this, you can always unpack the archive manually and drop it in your site-packages.