initial setup


I have successfully (i think) installed prodigy using
pip install prodigy -f P:\Amundi_Milan\Investment\SPECIALISTS\QUANT_RESEARCH\ASSET_ALLOCATION\crossasset\Jung\Tools\NLP\prodigy-1.11.8-windows\windows

The "P:..." is the path to the wheel file.

How do I fire up prodigy now? In the command prompt when I type "prodigy" I get the window (attached)

I use mainly Visual Studio for python. I tried installing the jupyter extension but it seems to have broken it

hi @jkim!

Can you add python -m to your command so try python -m prodigy stats (or whatever else recipe)?

I don't understand exactly why typing prodigy would try to open a file. Hopefully appending python -m will help.

Thanks! that seems to work. Whatever prodigy command has to be preceded by "python -m".