prodigy v1.10 add a new ui language

Hi @ines, I want to add french language in the prodigy UI. Any tips here.
Thanks in advance.

Hi! At the moment, the translations for the ui_lang are built-in – but if everything works, we're planning on opening it up, so you can provide your own JSON-formatted translations for the UI :slightly_smiling_face: French is definitely on our list of translations we want to support out-of-the-box.

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Awesome, looking forward to that. I would be very happy to help on adding french language so, don't hesitate to ping me for that.

Thanks for the offer! If you'd be okay with contributing your translations back to the project, here's the data we'd need for a new translation:

  "accept": "accept",
  "reject": "reject",
  "ignore": "ignore",
  "undo": "undo",
  "project": "Project",
  "loading": "Loading",
  "notasks": "No tasks available.",
  "error": "Oops, something went wrong :(",
  "errorFrontEnd": "You might have come across a bug in Prodigy's web app – sorry about that. We'd love to fix this, so feel free to open an issue on the Prodigy Support Forum and include the steps that led to this message.",
  "unload": "Are you sure you want to leave? It looks like you still have unsaved changes.",
  "help": "Help & Instructions",
  "flag": "Flag task",
  "save": "Save",
  "close": "Close",
  "showSidebar": "Show sidebar",
  "projectInfo": "Project Info",
  "progress": "Progress",
  "thisSession": "This session",
  "total": "Total",
  "history": "History",
  "saved": "Saved annotations.",
  "invalidSession": "The session provided is not authorized to annotate this project.",
  "invalidProject": "Can't fetch project. Make sure the server is running correctly.",
  "invalidTasks": "Can't fetch tasks. Make sure the server is running correctly.",
  "invalidSend": "Couldn't save annotations. Make sure the server is running correctly.",
  "invalidAnswer": "Can't submit answer: annotation didn't pass validation.\nTo skip this example, you can click the ignore button.",
  "dataset": "Dataset",
  "lang": "Language",
  "view_id": "View ID",
  "recipe_name": "Recipe",
  "session": "Session",
  "label": "Label",
  "author": "Author",
  "description": "Description",
  "show_all": "Show all",
  "show_all_rels": "All relations",
  "show_all_labels": "All labels",
  "reset": "Reset",
  "delete": "Delete",
  "delete_span": "Delete span",
  "audio_loop": "Loop audio",
  "audio_loop_region": "Loop region",
  "audio_pause": "Pause",
  "audio_play": "Play",
  "wrap_lines": "Wrap",
  "relations_spans": "Select spans",
  "relations_rels": "Assign relations",
  "image_rect": "Rect",
  "image_polygon": "Polygon",
  "image_freehand": "Freehand",
  "loading_audio": "Loading audio...",
  "delete_region": "Delete region",
  "live_demo_example": "Example",
  "live_demo_theme": "Theme"

Of course, I will comment the translation here when it's done.

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Hi @ines here you go with the french translation.

            "accept": "Accepter",
            "reject": "Rejeter",
            "ignore": "Ignorer",
            "undo": "Annuler",
            "project": "Projet",
            "loading": "Chargement",
            "notasks": "Aucune tâche disponible.",
            "error": "Oups, quelque chose s'est mal passé :(",
            "errorFrontEnd": "Vous avez peut-être rencontré un mauvais fonctionnement dans l'application Web de Prodigy - désolé. Nous serions ravi de résoudre ce problème, alors n'hésitez pas à ouvrir un ticket sur le forum de support Prodigy et à inclure les étapes qui ont conduit à ce message.",
            "unload": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter? Il semble que vous ayez encore des modifications non enregistrées.",
            "help": "Aide & Instructions",
            "flag": "Marquer la tâche",
            "save": "Enregistrer",
            "close": "Fermer",
            "showSidebar": "Afficher la barre latérale",
            "projectInfo": "Info sur le projet",
            "progress": "Progression",
            "thisSession": "Cette session",
            "total": "Totale",
            "history": "Historique",
            "saved": "Annotations enregistrées.",
            "invalidSession": "La session fournie n'est pas autorisée à annoter ce projet.",
            "invalidProject": "Impossible de récupérer le projet. Assurez-vous que le serveur fonctionne correctement.",
            "invalidTasks": "Impossible de récupérer les tâches. Assurez-vous que le serveur fonctionne correctement.",
            "invalidSend": "Impossible d'enregistrer les annotations. Assurez-vous que le serveur fonctionne correctement.",
            "invalidAnswer": "Impossible de soumettre la réponse: la validation de l'annotation a echouée. \nPour ignorer cet exemple, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton ignorer.",
            "dataset": "jeu de données",
            "lang": "Langue",
            "view_id": "ID de la vue",
            "recipe_name": "Recette",
            "session": "Session",
            "label": "Étiquette",
            "author": "Auteur",
            "description": "Description",
            "show_all": "Afficher tout",
            "show_all_rels": "Toutes les relations",
            "show_all_labels": "Toutes les Ă©tiquettes",
            "reset": "RĂ©initialiser",
            "delete": "Supprimer",
            "delete_span": "supprimer la plage de texte",
            "audio_loop": "Boucle audio",
            "audio_loop_region": "RĂ©gion de la boucle",
            "audio_pause": "Pause",
            "audio_play": "Jouer",
            "wrap_lines": "envelopper",
            "relations_spans": "SĂ©lectionner la plage de text",
            "relations_rels": "Attribuer une relation",
            "image_rect": "Rect",
            "image_polygon": "Polygone",
            "image_freehand": "Main levée",
            "loading_audio": "chargement de l'audio...",
            "delete_region": "Supprimer la région",
            "live_demo_example": "Exemple",
            "live_demo_theme": "Thème"
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Just released v1.10.1, which includes French :smiley: Thanks again for your work on this – I also included a little thank you note in the changelog.

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Great. Thanks, it's a pleasure :slight_smile:

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