thank you for your quick and great response !
the problem with my post was is that I mixed two things, try to explain
The first aim is to translate the text from English to Persian. I used an API but as you know the result is not very good, so i decided to use prodigy to "Post Editing" the result of translation. so therefore in this level I do not need my NER labels.
so I now I have JSONL file contain translate by "MT"
1- as you see using the code above, i managed to add that input-text box, but I do not know how to populate it with the "default" text, this is the last set up for ner.manual
blocks = [{"view_id": "text"},{"view_id": "text_input", "field_id":"Edit", "field_rows": 4, "field_label": "Edit the text", "field_autofocus": True}]
return {
"view_id": "blocks",
"dataset": dataset,
"stream": stream,
"exclude": exclude,
"before_db": remove_tokens if highlight_chars else None,
"config": {
"lang": nlp.lang,
"labels": labels,
"exclude_by": "input",
"ner_manual_highlight_chars": highlight_chars,
"auto_count_stream": True,
"blocks": blocks
I used this command
!python -m prodigy ner.manual PersianAMTV ../data/blank-farsi-model "../data/PersianAMT.jsonl" --label "PREMISE","CLAIM" --highlight-chars
which here as mentioned, I do not need "claim and premise " label...I only want to insert the edit of translation (maybe also the English version, which I guess for that I need to add that to my database as you mentioned ) and save them and the end has them for the next level which is NER annotation. It is a bit confusing I know ...but generally what I want to do at this level is only "Post editing " of the result of my Machine translation using prodigy and have josnl file of "Post edited version " which in the next level I want to annotate then for premsie and claim part.
by the way this "ltr" and "rtl" for the text with mixed language (English and Persian) is also another problem
thank you in advance @ljvmiranda921 ljvmiranda921
i would be happy to know your idea
many thanks in advance