Installing update 1.11.110 on Mac

Hi Andy,
Sorry to hear you're having troubles still!
It looks like the current problem is that you're trying to install in the conda environment that already has 1.11.8 installed.
The recommended way would be to create a fresh environment to try the 1.11.10 installation or to uninstall Prodigy in your base environment before installing another version. You can achieve that by using the --upgrade flag of pip. I'll provide the commands for both solutions:

In order to create a fresh conda environment & install 1.11.10:

conda create --name prodigy_env python=3.9 # you can of course change the name parameter
conda activate prodigy_env
pip install prodigy -f prodigy-1.11.10-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl

In order to upgrade an existing 1.11.8 installation to 1.11.10 in your base environment:
With the base environment activated:

pip install --upgrade prodigy -f prodigy-1.11.10-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl

In order to check which version of Prodigy has been installed in a given environment, with this environment activated, you can run:

prodigy stats

The first line of the output is the version of Prodigy.