!!Breaking dependency!!

Hi everyone,

We have realized earlier today that Pydantic 1.10.7, on which our package is dependent, breaks with the latest release of typing-extensions (4.6.0) (Cannot use Literal when I use typing-extension==4.6.0 · Issue #5821 · pydantic/pydantic · GitHub). This causes a runtime error for Prodigy. We'll wait for half a day to see if Pydantic issue is fixed and, if not, we'll release a patch with updated requirements.

UPDATE: We have just released Prodigy 1.11.14 that mitigates the issue within the Pydantic library by putting a constraint on one of its dependencies in Prodigy. (changelog)
To install run:

pip install prodigy -f https://XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX@download.prodi.gy

You should also be receiving the download link to the wheel files by email.