I tried to implement this is prodigy and the choice options loaded and I was able to make selections; however, it isn't linked to the top-level label. Any idea of how it be remain linked to the top level label? Also, if there is more than one person, the script only loads one person per image, not all of them. Any guidance would be appreciated
for eg in stream:
for span in eg.get("spans", []):
if span["label"] == "person":
task = copy.deepcopy(eg)
task['spans'] = [span]
task['options'] = options
# eg["options"] = options
yield task
Here is an example of the spans for one image
"spans": [
{"label": "person", "model": "yolov3-opencv", "box": [409, 13, 360, 653], "points": [[409, 13], [769, 13], [769, 666], [409, 666]], "confidence": 0.9993869662284851, "color": "#ff00ff", "qid": "1_person", "person_filters_yolo": [0, 1]},
{"label": "person", "model": "yolov3-opencv", "box": [131, 147, 293, 515], "points": [[131, 147], [424, 147], [424, 662], [131, 662]], "confidence": 0.9951488375663757, "color": "#ff00ff", "qid": "2_person", "person_filters_yolo": [0, 1]},
{"label": "person", "probability": 0.9997418522834778, "box": [149, 153, 256, 506], "points": [[149, 153], [405, 153], [405, 659], [149, 659]], "model": "facebook/detr-resnet-50", "color": "#ffff00", "qid": "61_person", "person_filters": [61, 98], "person_number": "person_0"},
{"label": "person", "probability": 0.9996631145477295, "box": [422, 32, 346, 625], "points": [[422, 32], [768, 32], [768, 657], [422, 657]], "model": "facebook/detr-resnet-50", "color": "#ffff00", "qid": "98_person", "person_filters": [61, 98], "person_number": "person_1"}]