One of our annotators had a UI request that I wanted to pass on. Is it possible to have the label for the NER manual interface reset back to the same label for every example (so it starts with the first one every time)? Right now, it remembers the last label used, which is nice some times, but is throwing off their flow right now, since they’re annotating the same three labels on each document.
It’s a small issue, but I know you’re often interested in what slows down annotation.
Thanks, that’s a good point! The image_manual has an option for this, so it’d only be consistent to also adopt that for ner_manual. I’ve also been thinking about some kind of “has been edited” marker… like, some kind of indicator or badge in the UI that shows the annotator that the current state they’re seeing isn’t the original one. Maybe this could also be communicated via the “reset” button.