I am unable to load the pyannote recipe, I have installed pyannote in my prodigy environment an am not sure what I am missing.
(prodigy) ai:~/work/llm-telephony-transcripts/notebooks/001-design$ pip list
Package Version
----------------------------- ----------
aiobotocore 2.2.0
aiofiles 23.1.0
prodigy 1.11.13
prompt-toolkit 3.0.39
protobuf 4.21.12
ptyprocess 0.7.0
pure-eval 0.2.2
pyannote.audio 3.0.0
pyannote.core 5.0.0
pyannote.database 5.0.1
pyannote.metrics 3.2.1
pyannote.pipeline 3.0.1
I have read a similar post around issues running this recipe, and saw you requested them to run the below, and it states that it can't find the recipe:
(prodigy) ai:~/work/llm-telephony-transcripts/notebooks/001-design$ python -m prodigy pyannote.sad.manual --help
✘ Can't find recipe or command 'pyannote.sad.manual'.
Run prodigy --help to see available options. If you're using a custom recipe,
provide the path to the Python file using the -F argument.
I also just tried to use --help to list recipes and this is what I see:
(prodigy) ai:~/work/llm-telephony-transcripts/notebooks/001-design$ python -m prodigy --help
============================ ✨ Available recipes ============================
audio.manual, audio.transcribe
stats, drop, db-in, db-out, db-merge, progress, compare, mark, match,
print-dataset, print-stream, review, spacy-config, train, train-curve,
dep.teach, dep.correct
ner.teach, ner.manual, ner.correct, ner.make-gold, ner.silver-to-gold,
pos.teach, pos.correct, pos.make-gold
sent.teach, sent.correct
spans.manual, spans.correct
terms.teach, terms.to-patterns
textcat.teach, textcat.manual, textcat.correct