prodigy.json file not visible and empty - educational license


i've recently downloaded prodigy as an educational user. I've installed prodigy in my virtual environment. The directory .prodigy and the prodigy.json file have automatically been created, but you can't find it via the mac finder (it's invisible). I've accessed it via the terminal and the file was empty, but prodigy did work.
So is there a possibility to access the prodigy.json file via the finder ?

It's just for my interest.

Hi! If no folder and/or prodigy.json is found, Prodigy will create an empty one – this means it'll work fine, but use the default configuration.

In addition to the global config in ~/.prodigy/prodigy.json, Prodigy also supports a local config in your current working directory. So this is probably the easiest way to specify custom settings in a non-hidden directory. It also allows you to define project-specific settings and share them (e.g. by checking them into a Git repo).

Btw, it always comes down to personal preference but I did find it very helpful to configure my Finder to show hidden files by default – it's a bit less pretty to look at, but it can be helpful, because many libraries, developer tools etc. use . folders in your user home directory to store config and cached files.