Is it possible to do NER and Textcat Annotation together?

Dear Prodigy Support,

Is it possible to do both NER and text classification annotation? Or I should annotated it twice, first using ner.manual and then using textcar.manual? I have text dataset that will be used for both of NER and Text classification model development.

Thank you

Hi @sigitpurnomo ,

To make the annotation task as efficient as possible we recommend doing your annotation in two passes: NER and textcat separately.
Prodigy train and data-to-spacy commands will take care of merging the annotations for the purpose of training a spaCy pipeline with these two components.
Annotation is easier and less error prone if annotators can focus on task at a time.

That said it is definitely possible to setup Prodigy to collect NER and textcat annotations at the same time via custom recipe. You can combine different UIs using blocks- as long as your input file contains all the necessary info to fill in ner_manual and classification view_ids, Prodigy will be able to render such block.
See here for more info and examples.

Thank you, @magdaaniol, for your suggestion.

I have create a custom recipe like this:

import prodigy
from prodigy.components.preprocess import add_tokens
from import get_stream
import spacy

def peer_review_ner_cat(dataset, lang, file_path):
    # We can use the blocks to override certain config and content, and set
    # "text": None for the choice interface so it doesn't also render the text
    blocks = [
        {"view_id": "ner_manual"},
        {"view_id": "choice", "text": None}
    options = [
        {"id": 3, "text": "General Comments"},
        {"id": 2, "text": "Detect Localization"},
        {"id": 1, "text": "Detect Suggestion"},
        {"id": 0, "text": "Detect Problem"}

    nlp = spacy.blank(lang)                           # blank spaCy pipeline for tokenization
    stream = get_stream(file_path, loader="jsonl")       # set up the stream
    stream.apply(add_tokens, nlp=nlp, stream=stream)  # tokenize the stream for ner_manual

    return {
        "dataset": dataset,          # the dataset to save annotations to
        "view_id": "blocks",         # set the view_id to "blocks"
        "stream": stream,            # the stream of incoming examples
        "config": {
            "choice_style": "multiple",
            "labels": ["Problem", "Suggestion", "Localization","General"],  # the labels for the manual NER interface
            "blocks": blocks         # add the blocks to the config

But when I run the prodigy with this recipe using this command:
prodigy peer_review ner_cat_peer_review id dataset/peer-review-masdig.jsonl -F prodigy/
there is an error in the web interface like shown in this image:

Can you help me to find what caused the error?

Thank you

I have solved this problem based on this information

Thank you

Great! Thanks for sharing the post with the solution!