Installation inside a virtualenv created by pipenv fails to run

Python officially recommends pipenv to manage environments. I’ve installed prodigy into a virtualenv with the incantation pipenv run pip install $PGY_WHL_FILE. Installation works, but running the prodigy or spacy executables fails:

Failed to execute process '/Users/sooheon/.local/share/virtualenvs/haafor-ner-VcDDy43I/bin/prodigy'. Reason:
exec: Exec format error
The file '/Users/sooheon/.local/share/virtualenvs/haafor-ner-VcDDy43I/bin/prodigy' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.

Does it work if you run python -m spacy and python -m prodigy instead?

Ah yep, that works. Aliasing should work for now, thanks!

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