install instructions

I bought the product and downloaded the linux files. Neither the email nor the download had any hint about how someone might install this. can i get a link or it is too much to expect to include any indication of what to do with what was sold me?

Hi @rreck!

Welcome to the forum and thanks for joining the Prodigy community!

The Prodigy Installation page has details on how to install.

Since you downloaded the wheel files (for Linux), the easiest way to install is:

pip install prodigy -f /path/to/wheels

Another way to install to use your license code from your email and use pip install:

pip install prodigy -f

Also, if you haven't spent some time yet, I highly recommend looking in depth at our Prodigy documentation website. We have many use cases and API details that can provide you a ton of details.

I'm happy to provide additional tips/tricks for installing Prodigy (e.g., using makefile) and other help on getting started if we can figure out this first step.