Error: address already in use

hi @bulldog903!

Thanks for your post and welcome to the Prodigy community :wave:

I suspect you have an old session still running. After each time you run Prodigy e.g., python -m prodigy ... you need stop it when you're done by pressing CTRL + C.

What I think you're doing is trying to run a second process on the same 8080 port (hence "address already in use").

What do you see when you run:

sudo lsof -i :8080

If see something running, find the pid and then run:

kill -9 <PID>

This will kill that session and hopefully you can run a new session.

Also, did you mean you tried to open http://localhost:8080, not http://localhost:8888? By default, when you run a Prodigy process, it'll serve it on the 8080 port so you'd need to view http://localhost:8080. Make sure you're looking at the correct port in your local browser as this could be a problem too.

Hope this helps!