crypto.randomUUID - error

When starting prodigy i get an error in the browser on crypto.randomUUID. I tested Chrome and Firefox. Any ideas. Thanks

Welcome to the forum @bogdann! :wave:

Could you share the exact error that you're getting?
The crypto.randomUUID related error typically occurs when using an older browser version that doesn't support this Web Crypto API feature, which Prodigy uses for generating unique identifiers.

Could you check your browsers can support it? If not, then updating it should resolve the issue.
You can also check if your browser supports by opening developer tools and typing in console:

typeof crypto.randomUUID === 'function'

It should return true if the function is supported.

Other than that I would need to know the exact error message if possible and whether you're accessing Prodigy via local host or remote server.

Hi and thanks for the prompt answer.

I get 'true' in the console so that means the browser supports it.

The error in the browser is this (i cannot put the whole error as I am limited to 5 links):

TypeError: crypto.randomUUID is not a function

I am starting the server with the following command: PRODIGY_HOST="s-olaf-i2conn" PRODIGY_PORT=8989 prodigy ner.manual ner_news_headlines blank:en ./news_headlines.jsonl --label PERSON,ORG,PRODUCT,LOCATION


Thanks @bogdann.
Looking at the stacktrace it looks like Prodigy is running on intranet and you're accessing via http:// and we're looking at client-side error occurring during component rendering.
Could you try accessing via localhost or https to see if the lack of secure context is the issue here?
Another thing to check would be whether there's any org proxy or security policy that might be interfering with the Web Crypto API.