Compare recipe bug Invariant Violation: Minified React error

Hi prodigy team,

I encountered a bug with the compare recipe after upgrading to prodigy 1.11.1.
Steps to replicate: add meta in output (this works previously with prodigy v 1.10.8)

{"id": 0, "input": {"text": "NLP"}, "output": {"text": "Natural Language Processing", "meta": {}}}

Here is what is shown on the web app:

Invariant Violation: Minified React error #31; visit[]=object%20with%20keys%20{category%2C%20segment%2C%20rating%2C%20sentence_id}&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
in span
in div
in t
in Jss(t)
in div
in div
in Shortcuts
in Unknown
in div
in t
in Jss(t)
in div
in t
in Jss(t)
in Unknown
in t
in Jss(t)
in div
in div
in t
in Jss(t)
in Connect(Jss(t))
in main
in div
in Shortcuts
in t
in n
in Jss(n)
in Connect(Jss(n))
in t
in t
in Connect(t)
in t
in t

Thanks for the report – turned out that this was a bug introduced by the new ability to add a "meta" or "score" value to options (which is displayed next to the options). But this should only happen if the value is a string or a number, not an arbitrary object. Already fixed this and the fix will be included in the next release!

Edit: Just released v1.11.2, which should fix this!