Compare recipe dont show text


I am trying to compare two texts generated from another, using the recipe compare and I would like to get the original text and the options to select. This is what I am currently obtaining:

Here are the first line of the two jsonlines files that I am comparing.
File A:

{"id": "B17-11593", "input": {"text": "VEJIGA:\nM\u00ednimo fragmento de urotelio sin alteraciones citol\u00f3gicas relevantes. Muestra en el l\u00edmite de la representatividad"}, "output": {"text": "MATERIAL INADECUADO PARA EL DIAGNOSTICO "}}

File B:

{"id": "B17-11593", "input": {"text": "VEJIGA:\nM\u00ednimo fragmento de urotelio sin alteraciones citol\u00f3gicas relevantes. Muestra en el l\u00edmite de la representatividad"}, "output": {"text": "NORMAL "}}

Why the input text doesnt appear above the two buttons, like it does on the documentation examples?

Thanks for the report, looks like this was a bug introduced when we changed the compare recipe over to use the multiple-choice UI! Already fixed it and it'll be included with the next release.

In the meantime, you can do the following to fix it locally: You can run prodigy stats to find the location of your Prodigy installation. In recipes/, you should find the following:

question = {
    "id": id_,
    "input": a["input"],

You can then change it to:

question = {
    "id": id_,

Thanks! It worked

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