Unable to process the prodigy Model in spacy...

Hi Team,

i am using exiting github model, but i am unable to process or import the model in to spacy. In that i am getting below error. could you please help on this.

Actual in environment is :

Spacy Version : 2.0.0a17
Python Version : 3.5.2
Prodigy Version : 0.4

For more information please find the below screen shot.

I think this error is due to a combination of out-dated versions, of Prodigy and spaCy.

While we haven’t built any copy-protection into Prodigy, the license for the beta version you’re using did expire when the 1.0 version went on sale. We didn’t want to add a kill switch to the software, because we’d rather people were able to finish up their projects if they need to — and obviously we want you to keep access to the prodigy db-out command to help you export your annotations.

We’ve also been releasing new spaCy versions since the alpha you’re using, which include a lot of bugfixes and improvements. The current version of Prodigy is v1.3, which uses spaCy v2.0.7. The last spacy-nightly was v2.0.0a19 and the last Prodigy beta was v0.5 — so you’re currently behind by 9 spaCy releases and 4 Prodigy releases.