Time Series support: planned or available?

Hi, I have been using prodigy for Audio Classification and have been impressed by the easy setup.
I'd like to know if there is any support for handling Time Series (like here, from a competitor, click on Time Series classification).
Given that there are no tags related to this, I guess that this might not yet be implemented.

If there's no such feature available currently, is there any support planned, possibly in the next ~6 months?
Otherwise, I appreciate any resources to implement this myself.

Thanks in advance, looking forward to replies and suggestions.
Greetings, Lisa

Bump. I'd love to her from any officials or versed users!
Thanks in advance, and greetings.

Hi and thanks – and sorry for not getting to this sooner :blush: We don't currently have this on the immediate roadmap and this is actually the first time this request came up. I guess so far we've mostly been focusing on more classic machine learning / "extracting structured information from unstructured data" workflows, so time series annotation is a bit different.

In theory, you could probably implement something like this yourself, but I'm not 100% sure how involved this will be. For instance, here's an example of embedding a Vega chart using custom HTML and CSS: Embedding vega charts - #2 by ines This definitely lets you render the visualization – if it also lets you draw on it or select points, you could use Prodigy's update function in JavaScript to update the JSON with whatever you selected in the UI. It's also possible that a different charting library like chart.js would be a better fit, so if there's a library you know of that works well and looks good, I'd definitely be interested :slight_smile: