textcat.model-annotate don't read from stdin

I'm reading from a directoy with text files and convert into jsonl stdin output, like here

when I use it in textcat.model-annotate, recipe doesn't read the stdin

prodigy load.files data/ctx_files/es/ -F recipes/textFilesAnnotation.py | prodigy textcat.model-annotate ES_Tier3_modelAnotado data/model_best/ - spacy_Production -lo jsonl --threshold 0.2

same if I read a jsonl file

cat data/ctx_files/es.jsonl | prodigy textcat.model-annotate ES_Tier3_modelAnotado data/model_best/ - spacy_Production -lo jsonl --threshold 0.2

and this command works:

prodigy textcat.model-annotate ES_Tier3_modelAnotado data/model_best/ data/ctx_files/es.jsonl spacy_Production -lo jsonl --threshold 0.2

what I'm doing wrong?

Hi there!

I just checked on our main branch and am able to confirm that this is a bug that's introduced on our end. I'm working on a fix, but hopefully in the meantime you can stream into a file as a remedy for now.

Out of curiosity, is there a reason why you prefer to stream instead of using a file directly?

hi @info2000,

Just a heads up, that we patched this issue in v1.14.11. Thanks again for reporting!