terms.teach: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to SQLite INTEGER

That is correct. Assumption is what it failed on.

This is confusing though – it looks to me like the hash values in the assumption example above are all valid 32 bit integers. We’re looking for values outside the range −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, which I don’t see in the examples you’ve posted?

I think we’ve taken a wrong turn in our debugging here, and we’re looking at a different problem that’s surfaced as a similar error message. I think the problem isn’t the hash values — it’s something else.

Perhaps try setting PRODIGY_LOGGING=verbose? We need to backtrack and look for a different problem. Sorry for the false start! Perhaps also paste the output of pip list so we can look at the versions?

I notice the error happened with both sqlite and postgres, which suggests it’s not the DB version. I’m not sure what might be wrong.

I have been paying attention to the hash values and have not noticed any larger than a valid 32 bit integer. Here is my pip list:

Here is an example of a prodigy session. I annotated 22 examples and then stopped the session.

@reb-greazy I think that’s the pip list for your system Python – it doesn’t have Prodigy installed, so it looks like you might have forgot to activate your virtualenv?

The other relevant platform details would be the OS you’re using, and the version of sqlite you have on your system.

Finally, the saving error you’re seeing: does it happen if you just annotate one example and then hit save (either click the disk icon or hit control+s)?

I wonder whether there’s some reason it can’t write to the DB, like a permissions error that’s getting swallowed. I think out of disk would raise something, but you could check that as well just for sanity?

Sorry this is still so unclear. I really don’t know what might be wrong.

In regards to @reb-greazy issue, we fixed it by adding a proxypass to the /give-answers location. Please see the full description here:

Thank you to @honnibal and @ines for all there help on this!