Set font size of task text

I want to set font size for text categorization recipe.
When I use "card_css": {"fontSize": 16} in prodigy.json in Prodigy v1.9.6, I am getting error:

card_css -> fontSize   value is not a valid dict   
card_css               value is not a valid boolean

How text size can be controlled in the v1.9.6? This worked in v1.8.4.
Thank you!

Thanks for the report – this is strange, looks like the validation logic is wrong here :thinking: I'll fix this for the next release.

In the meantime, the easiest workaround are: set "validate": false in your prodigy.json to skip the validation checks, or use "global_css": ".prodigy-content { font-size: 16px }" instead. The global CSS setting is a bit more flexible in general, and allows you to override anything on the page.