I set up a custom recipe for annotating spans in video files (using audio_manual). I tried using the review recipe to review the annotations and got a message saying: "reviewing 'audio_manual' annotations isn't supported yet".
So I tried to follow the instructions from this post (db-in). It opens the server and I see the names of my files at the bottom of the screen, but for some reason the video itself doesn't load (the video files are stored locally on my computer. In the annotation recipe I use loader=video-server, for the db-in, I tried 'video', 'video-server' and also 'jsonl').
What could be the issue? Is there maybe a better way for me to approach this?
I'd like to be able to view the manual annotations and correct them if necessary. I will eventually have two annotators, so I would need to be able to review their annotations and either choose the one to be saved into the 'gold-label' dataset, or modify and save it in the dataset.
If it helps - this is what I tried to run through the command line:
python -m prodigy OAR.video review_video_annotation_test dataset:video_annotation_test --label OAR_labels.txt --loader video-server -F OAR_video.py
(I also tried audio.manual instead of the custom recipe and without OAR_video.py)
and here's an example of the jsonl file with the annotations:
{"video": "/OAR_annotation/video_clips/02112016_las-vegas_NV/02112016_las-vegas_NV_1.mp4", "meta": {"file": "02112016_las-vegas_NV_1.mp4"}, "path": "OAR_annotation/video_clips/02112016_las-vegas_NV/02112016_las-vegas_NV_1.mp4", "_input_hash": -2137062564, "_task_hash": -1268654994, "_is_binary": false, "_view_id": "audio_manual", "audio_spans": [{"start": 0, "end": 217.0904034735, "label": "Other speaker", "id": "f306f945-05fd-4b6c-8de6-7b344d1530b1", "color": "rgba(153,50,204,0.2)"}], "answer": "accept", "_timestamp": 1735034758, "_annotator_id": "2024-12-24_12-05-02", "_session_id": "2024-12-24_12-05-02"}
I'd appreciate your help.
Thank you,