I proceeded to the annotation of my texts, my dataset is called "textannotation".
With these annotations I trained a model with the following command line
prodigy train ./models/fr_contrat-de-travail/pipelines/1 --ner textannotation -es 0.3 --lang "fr" --label-stats
This created two folders for me: model-last and model-best. I want to generate a model under another name and with meta-information. So I modified the file "meta.json" as follows :
"description":"AI model for NER extractions",
"author":"Iloh IA team",
"license":"proprietary licences",
This is what I want for my model.
I did this for model-last and model-best.
Then, I go to the next step, that is on spacy, with the following command line:
spacy train ./models/fr_contrat de travail/pipelines/config_init/config.cfg --output ./models/fr_contrat de travail/pipelines/1/ --paths.train ./train --paths.dev ./dev
Here no problem.
Then when I want to generate the package all the information I modified is overwritten and my model is called again "fr_pipeline" while I want to name it "fr_contrat-de-travail".
I use the command line
spacy package ./models/fr_contrat-de-travail/pipelines/1/model-last ./models/fr_contrat-de-travail/package/1 -m ./models/fr_contrat-de-travail/pipelines/1/model-last/meta.json
How do we choose the name of our model and its meta-information?
Thanks !