Hi all, I am trying to use rel.manual with pre-labelled spans from an external model. I have coerced the model output to the Prodigy JSON format and added it as a dataset:
prodigy db-in data1 data.json
✔ Created dataset 'dhai' in database SQLite
✔ Imported 10498 annotations to 'dhai' (session 2022-04-06_20-59-25) in
database SQLite
Then, I attempt to load the data with the rel.manual command:
prodigy rel.manual data1 blank:en dataset:data1 --label AND,OR,Has_Context,Has_Value,Has_Temporal --span-label Demographics,Medical_Condition,Interevention,Lab_Test,Trial_Terms,Value,Timeframe,Context --wrap
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
⚠ Skipped 1 span(s) that were already present in the input data because
the tokenization didn't match.
When I navigate to the webpage, I am told that there are no tasks available, however. Understanding why this is happening would be helpful! Thanks