When I run through assigning a dataset for annotations and run the ner.manual, it shows as no task available even though I have not done anything. I have tried all the troubleshooting tips I could find. I am getting burned out.
Please help.
Here is the example of bash scripts I am implementing.
$ prodigy db-in product_specs file_name
Created dataset 'product_specs' in database SQLite
Imported 185 annotated examples and saved them to
'product_specs' (session 2023-11-06_16-56-20) in database SQLite
Found and keeping existing "answer" in 0 examples
prodigy ner.manual product_specs blank:en file_name --label frllabels.txt
Using 16 label(s) from frllabels.txt
Starting the web server at http://localhost:8080 ...
Open the app in your browser and start annotating!
Thanks for your message and welcome to the Prodigy community
You don't need the db-in step. If you're annotating the first time, you don't need to put those records into a dataset and then point directly to the same dataset. Prodigy's deduplication is kicking in because it sees that those records are already in your same dataset.
To get it started:
First, drop your dataset (you need to have a clean one):