Hi I am very confused for first time using prodigy,I didnt understand how add my data.json file to read by prodigy and run it in local host. I have a file and the location is in C:\Users\W I N D O W S\.prodigy\data.json
but when I using cmd and write
python -m prodigy ner.manual data ./data.json --label PERSON,ORG,LOC
I got an error of
Using 3 label(s): PERSON, ORG, LOC
usage: prodigy ner.manual [-h] [-lo None] [-l None] [-pt None] [-e None] [-C] dataset spacy_model source
prodigy ner.manual: error: the following arguments are required: source
I already give the file location why it asking source? If I run python -m prodigy stats
it will return
Version 1.11.7
Location D:\Pyton 3.8\lib\site-packages\prodigy
Prodigy Home C:\Users\W I N D O W S\.prodigy
Platform Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0
Python Version 3.8.10
Database Name SQLite
Database Id sqlite
Total Datasets 2
Total Sessions 5
In the doc I didnt understand about "the dataset name",is that my json file or the sqlite db server?How to add my json so I can annotate?