An error appears when I apply the train ner
prodigy recipe. I am not sure why.
Please find below the relevant information and perhaps you could help?
My data --train and evaluation datasets-- have been saved in jsonl
The format of the examples are:
`[(text, {'entities' : [(start, end, label), ..., (start, end, label)], 'answer' : 'accept'}), ..., (text, {'entities' : [(start, end, label), ..., (start, end, label)], 'answer' : 'accept'})]`
The steps I followed can be seen below:
python -m prodigy dataset train_30-9-20
Successfully added 'train_30-9-20' to database SQLite
python -m prodigy dataset eval_30-9-20
Successfully added 'eval_30-9-20' to database SQLite
python -m prodigy db-in train_30-9-20 train_30-9-20.jsonl --rehash --dry
Imported 2700 annotations to 'train_30-9-20' (session 2020-09-30_21-05-24) in database SQLite
Found and keeping existing "answer" in 2700 examples
python -m prodigy db-in eval_30-9-20 eval_30-9-20.jsonl --rehash --dry
Imported 520 annotations to 'eval_30-9-20' (session 2020-09-30_21-05-41) in database SQLite
Found and keeping existing "answer" in 520 examples
python -m prodigy train ner train_30-9-20 en_core_web_lg --n-iter 30 --dropout 0.5 --eval-id eval_30-9-20
After loading the model, I got the following output:
Created and merged data for 0 total examples
Created and merged data for 0 total examples
Using 0 train / 0 eval (from 'eval_30-9-20')
Component: ner | Batch size: compounding | Dropout: 0.5 | Iterations: 30
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)
Am I doing something wrong in the way I format the training examples? Thank you very much in advance!