I want to have multiple annotators labelling NER data with each sample seen only once by a person (2 annotators won't see the same sample), I am using prodigy==1.11.8
, and this is my .prodigy/prodigy.json
to avoid duplicates (2 person label the same example)
"feed_overlap": false,
"exclude_by": "input",
"batch_size": 1,
"instant_submit": true
So I followed the example on https://prodi.gy/docs, and start the labelling process via
PRODIGY_LOGGING=basic prodigy ner.manual ner_news_headlines blank:en ./annotated_news_headlines-ORG-PERSON-LOCATION-ner.jsonl --label PERSON,ORG,PRODUCT,LOCATION
However after only labelling 5% of the data in this toy example, no matter how I refresh the page (for each named multiuser session, as well as vanilla default session without a session name), the page shows "No tasks available", which is not true. Screenshots attached:
Even after I Ctrl-C stop the labelling script, and restart it, the same problem persist, I simply cannot label on both named and default session, even if I create a new name and use named session, it still show "No tasks available".
Is the aforementioned behavior expected? If not, what is the best way to fix it?