image_manual not displaying image after adding option blocks

I added options and text_input blocks onto image_manual recipes, then prodigy stops yielding image. Could you helo me with this?

blocks = [
        {"view_id": "image_manual"},
        {"view_id": "choice"},
        {"view_id": "text_input", "field_rows": 2, "field_label": "Explain your decision"}

return {
    "dataset": dataset,
    "view_id": "blocks",
    "stream": stream,
    "before_db": before_db,
    "config": {
          "labels": ["TITLE"],
          "blocks": blocks

Hi! Could you share more details about your recipe and how you're putting together your stream?

Actually, this sometimes also occurs to recipe "image_manual" when I yield images from URL.
Here is my stream

yield {"image": "" + prefix + filename, "meta": { "md5": str(df['md5'][i]), "source": str(df['DocID'][i])}}

Here is config

return {
    "dataset": dataset,
    "view_id": "image_manual",
    "stream": stream,
    "before_db": before_db,
    "config": {
          "labels": ["TITLE"]

I double check the URL that it displays a valid image. Maybe it has to do the size of the image?

Thanks for the update! How large is the image file?

I add a filter on the image size, individual image should be < 1MB. And I've been playing around with it. It's pretty unstable as sometime I can go through the session trouble free, but sometimes will be like this withe the exact same code.

Thanks for the update. Does the image just take long to load, and does it load eventually, or is it just not visible? Also, can you see any error message in the browser's developer console?

(I think the most likely explanation would be that the problem happens when the image is fetched and loaded from the URL as the task is rendered in the UI. So if there's some disruption there, it could result in the image not being loaded.)