exclude not working on ner.correct

The --exclude command is not working and I keep seeing the same text that I have already annotated.
prodigy ner.correct ner_arrendamiento_v2 modelo_v1/model-best /home/diego/Descargas/funcion/datos_entrenamiento_arrendamiento/roles_arrendamiento_v1.jsonl --label arrendatario,arrendador,fiador,obligado_solidario,habitante,rep_arrendador,rep_arrendatario,rep_fiador,rep_obligado_solidario --exclude ner_arrendamiento_v1

This command do not exclude the dataset ner_arrendamiento_v1

must be related to Duplicate annotations in output - #5 by marc

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Thanks for the report on this. I've been trying to work out why this is happening but I've been totally unable to reproduce. We've heard some other reports that --exclude has been failing to work.

Would either of you be comfortable sharing a minimal example where you're seeing the --exclude parameter not working? I can share my email so we can keep any data private and off the forum.

prodigy ner.correct ner_arrendamiento_v2 modelo_v1/model-best /home/diego/Descargas/funcion/datos_entrenamiento_arrendamiento/roles_arrendamiento_v1.jsonl --label arrendatario,arrendador,fiador,obligado_solidario,habitante,rep_arrendador,rep_arrendatario,rep_fiador,rep_obligado_solidario --exclude ner_arrendamiento_v1

hi @diegorv1994!

Sorry for the delayed response. We're trying to close out old posts.

If you're still having issues, can you try to upgrade Prodigy? We're currently on Prodigy v1.11.10 as of February 2023.

In another post, I created a fully reproducible example (i.e., code and sample dataset) where I showed how --exclude would work with ner.correct.

If you're still having issues, can you try to reproduce that example to see if it works?