Duplicate annotations in output


I am seeing a very similar bug. I was, at first, using named sessions. Thinking it could be the problem, I stopped using them and the problem still occurs. Prodigy asks to annotate doc that have already been annotated.

I am on version 1.11.6 and I did not upgrade during the process.

Looks like prodigy progress is able to spot that there are duplicates :

           New   Unique   Total   Unique
--------   ---   ------   -----   ------
Dec 2021   122      109     122      109

Start command :

prodigy ner.correct testdataset ./model_7500/model-best ./shuffled_data.json --label  NAME,PHONE

And my prodigy.json file :

    "host": "",
    "port": 8081,
    "show_stats": true,
    "show_flag": true,
    "ui_lang": "fr",
    "feed_overlap": false,
    "custom_theme": {
        "labels": {
            "NAME": "#fabed4",
            "PHONE": "#aaffc3"
    "keymap_by_label": {"NAME": "q", "PHONE": "e"},
    "keymap": {"accept":["d"]}
