ERROR: Can't find recipe or command 'image.test'.


I’ve got Prodigy 1.4.2 installed and have installed lightnet and downloaded both yolo models. But image.test is not listed in the available recipes.

When I try to run the image.test recipe I get:

python3 -m prodigy image.test images tiny-yolo  
ERROR: Can't find recipe or command 'image.test'.

What am I missing?

Leif Uwe

Thanks for the report! I just checked and looks like the file containing the image recipes is shipped with the latest version of Prodigy, but not actually imported :thinking: Sorry about that – no idea how this happened.

The easiest fix is to edit prodigy/recipes/ and change the import statement to:

from . import dep, ner, textcat, pos, compare, terms, generic, image

You should now be able to run the recipe as intended!

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Thanks Ines, that solved it.

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@luvogels Just released v1.5.0, which includes the fix! :tada: (We’ve also added an experimental image.manual recipe and interface, in case you’re interested.)