Change color of NER in rel.manual/correct

I'm working with rel.manual/correct with NER and would like to customize the NER color scheme so they stand out a little more, is this possible? I have a custom theme for the labels in the prodigy.json which works with ner.manual/correct but it doesn't seem to work with REL.

Kind regards,

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Hi! The relations UI should support overriding the label colours for its relation labels using the same mechanism:

However, the colours here are based on the relation type that's assigned, not the entity type. Entities in the relations interface don't have a distinct colour because the focus is on the relations you assign and the tokens and spans are colour-coded, depending on which relations they're part of. (Colour-coding them by entity type in addition to that wouldn't really work and it'd also get messy very easily.)

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Thanks for the reply @ines ! That makes sense, I can understand how confusing that may look with so many colors. If it were possible to customize the entity marker from it always being black and white to something else that stands out a little more that would be awesome. It's not something super important to me, but when I'm doing annotations after a few hours having something that stands out a little more may be helpful.

I love prodigy and it is awesome!! Keep up the good work!!


In our experience, we have become accustomed to the colors of the extracted entities in the NER phase, and perhaps this would make it easier to extract the relationships more quickly. If it is possible to show these colors in this interface or customize the behavior a little it would be great.

Thanks also for the great work! and best wishes

I guess one option could be to just colour the labels (currently shown with a black background) :thinking: Then you can have the visual indicator of the entity type without disrupting the colour indicators for the relations. I'll experiment with this and see how it looks!

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Update: Just released v1.10.5, which includes this feature. Custom label colours for NER labels are now used in the relations interface as the background colour of the span labels :slightly_smiling_face: