The *macosx_10_14_x86_64.whl
wheels won't run natively on an ARM mac, but you can run OSX x86_64 applications in emulation mode.
One relatively easy option to get python in emulation mode is to run everything in a conda env for OSX x86_64.
Download and install miniconda3:
(You could also use miniforge or another conda installer. We do have native spacy OSX ARM64 packages on the
channel, and at some point there will hopefully be native spacy and prodigy wheels, but our build infrastructure doesn't support it yet.) -
Restart your terminal so that it updates the path/conda settings.
Create a new conda env with python3.8 and activate it:
conda create -n prodigy python=3.8 conda activate prodigy
:pip install prodigy-1.10.5-cp36.cp37.cp38-cp36m.cp37m.cp38-macosx_10_14_x86_64.whl
When you're working in this conda env, it should be just like working on an intel/x86_64 mac.
You can also do something similar by creating/using a terminal app that runs in emulation mode and being careful to install/run everything from this terminal. Here's one tutorial on setting up a Terminal for x86. Then use the system /usr/bin/python3
to create a venv and install prodigy from there. If you accidentally mix up your terminals or venvs I think things may break in unexpected ways, so the conda setup with x86-only python may be easier to manage.