I am using Prodigy 1.9.7, and i'm trying to manually annotate 50 texts with 8 different labels. Somehow I keep running into this message:
Here are all the tests I made:
First I went with the textcat.manual recipe:
prodigy textcat.manual new_50 data/new_50.json --label labels.txt
. There wasn't any error message, but the interface shows No tasks available. Then I tried with one label to see if there was something wrong with the input file:
prodigy textcat.manual mail_new_50 data/mail_new_50.json --label NO_NEW
. This time it worked.
Then I tried using the mark recipe as an alternative:
prodigy mark mail_new_50 data/mail_new_50.json --label label/labels.txt --view-id choice
That's where I first had the Something went wrong message. And again I tried using one single label:
prodigy mark mail_new_50 data/mail_new_50.json --label NO_NEW --view-id classification
And again it worked. I noticed that every time I used the choice interface there was a problem; not sure if that's actually the reason tho.
I went on to create a custom recipe which I got the inspiration from this post on multi-class textcat with patterns (thanks a lot to all contributors btw !). A few slight changes were made to adapt it to my project, but the general operation was the same. The recipe worked well and was successfully used in a multi-annotator campaign.
So I obtained several annotation sets, and I wanted to review those annotations. First I called the review recipe this way:
prodigy review mail_new_gold mail_new_50
This lead to an error No None found in the example followed by the suggestion of adding
option. Which I thought was odd because I used Prodigy 1.9.7 for the whole project and therefore, as I understand it, no need to specify an interface. But I added the option anyway: prodigy review mail_new_gold mail_new_50 --view-id choice
Where for the second time I ran into the something went wrong message. And finally I decided to specify session names instead of dataset name:
prodigy review mail_new_gold mail_new_50-danrun,mail_new_50-danielle --view-id choice
This time it worked for a while (13 examples reviewed) before the something went wrong message came up.
The same .json and .txt files have been used with other recipes and it worked pretty well, so I'm guessing maybe something's wrong with my local installation ? Btw it was installed on a docker container, I don't know if this could be a contributing fact. Do you have an idea how to fix this ?
Thanks in advance !