Bug Report: [the server process closes itself after a while]

:bug: Bug description:

After I use this command

python3 -m prodigy textcat.manual prova output.jsonl --label nephropathy

the server process close itself autonomsly after a while. It is not clear why; Is it normal? Can I disable it?

:man_walking:t4:Reproduction steps:
python3 -m prodigy textcat.manual prova output.jsonl --label nephropathy

:desktop_computer: Environment variables:
============================== :sparkles: Prodigy Stats ==============================

Version 1.12.5
Location /home/sambuo/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/prodigy
Prodigy Home /home/sambuo/.prodigy
Platform Linux-5.15.0-78-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
Python Version 3.10.12
Spacy Version 3.6.0
Database Name SQLite
Database Id sqlite
Total Datasets 1
Total Sessions 8

Welcome to the forum @samux!
Do you get any error messages in the terminal before that happens? If not, could you try running the command with higher verbosity level:
PRODIGY_LOGGING=basic python3 -m prodigy textcat.manual prova output.jsonl --label nephropathy
and share the output if possible? Thank you!


after I set up ""feed_overlap" : "false"" in the prodigy.json it seems the problem disappeared!
I will continue monitoring the situation and open a new thread in case the issue returns.

Thank you very much for the support,

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