503 Server Error: Service Temporarily Unavailable for url: https://download.prodi.gy/prodigy/

We have prodigy in our dependency list in pyproject.toml and are unable to run any Poetry commands (e.g. poetry lock) currently, because everything errors out with:

503 Server Error: Service Temporarily Unavailable for url: https://download.prodi.gy/prodigy/

This is a pretty big blocker for our CI workflows and development team right now. Could you please fix this asap?

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Second the above - it's causing lots of CI issues for us

We're very sorry about the download server issues you're experiencing. We understand this is blocking your CI workflows and development process.

Our team is working on resolving it asap.
We'll update this thread as soon as we have more information or when the service is restored.

Thank you for your patience and for bringing this to our attention.

Hi @zkl, @simon.gurcke,

The download server has now been restored. Let us know please if the issue persists on your end.
Again, apologies for the trouble!

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