"Type Error: Plain typing.NoReturn is not valid as type argument"

Hello, I'm working with Prodigy version 1.11.4. I've created a new annotation environment, using Anaconda and the commands below (we need R also for our annotation project).

conda create -n annot_env r python r-essentials r-base rstudio spyder powershell_shortcut -y
conda activate annot_env
conda install spacy -y
pip install prodigy -f ./prodigy-1.11.4-windows/windows

Unfortunately, when I run python -m prodigy stats I get a strange error afterwards (screenshot below):
Type Error: Plain typing.NoReturn is not valid as type argument

Would you have any ideas please on how this could be fixed? It looks like something to do with SpaCy?
Thank you very much in advance

Hi! Turns out this is actually a bug in Python itself: Issue 34921: NoReturn not allowed by get_type_hints when future import annotations is used - Python tracker

Upgrading to a newer Python version (>=3.7.2) should fix this. Also see this thread: TypeError: Plain typing.NoReturn is not valid as type argument · Issue #9600 · explosion/spaCy · GitHub

Hi @ines , thanks a lot for the quick response. This worked fine for me--much appreciated, thanks again.