Train-curve ends in error (module 'plotext' has no attribute 'colorless')

Hello @ljvmiranda921 ,

I have downgraded to plotext==4.2.0, and I am now getting the desired graph:

=========================== Train curve diagnostic ===========================
Training 2 times with 50%, 100% of the data

%      Score    ner   
----   ------   ------
  0%   0.01     0.01  
 50%   0.48 ▲   0.48 ▲
100%   0.54 ▲   0.54 ▲

0.54┤                     ▗▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▞▀▀▀▀│
0.48┤               ▗▞▀▀▀▀▘            │
    │             ▗▞▘                  │
    │           ▄▀▘                    │
    │        ▗▄▀                       │
    │      ▗▞▘                         │
    │    ▄▞▘                           │
    │  ▄▀                              │
0.01┤▄▀                                │
     0%              50%           100% 

✔ Accuracy improved in the last sample
As a rule of thumb, if accuracy increases in the last segment, this could
indicate that collecting more annotations of the same type will improve the
model further.

Therefore, the containment solution works.

I am curious now: Is prodigy "automatically" updated or not, by any chance?

The reason I am asking this, is because if it is not, then I think we can keep working with this containment; however if it is, then of course we might need to upgrade plotext once this issue appears again.

Let me know your comments please.

Thank you!