Hello community, I am new to Prodigy and currently I am using the nightly version.
I can't figure out how to train a textcat model with binary label (https://prodi.gy/docs/text-classification#manual-binary). The score is always zero. If I use two labels (Yes/No) in annotation, the training will proceed correctly.
I feel I must have missed something obvious. Thanks for your help!
Hi! The problem here is that the textcat component in spaCy v3 expects at least 2 labels for binary categories (e.g. LABEL and NOT_LABEL). If you're training a pipeline with only one label, you can use the textcat_multilabel component instead.
We have a new version of the v1.11 coming that introduces a --textcat-multilabel option for training binary classifiers. In the meantime, you could just export your data with data-to-spacy and then train with a config using textcat_multilabel instead of textcat.