text classification

I tried to start to make workflow as following.

Work on my jsonl data (without label) by this:

python -m prodigy textcat.manual dfObsV0003 en_core_web_sm dfObsV03.jsonl --label Observation
Using 1 labels: Observation

but I faced with this error:

✨  ERROR: Invalid task format for view ID 'classification'
'label' is a required property

{'text': 'Chapter 1', '_input_hash': 1891558552, '_task_hash': -2011871074, '_session_id': 'dfObsV0003-default', '_view_id': 'classification'}

as you You mentioned here

that is bug. I add the edited version of script (since it has indent error)

def add_label_to_stream(stream, label):
        for eg in stream:
            eg["label"] = label[0]
            yield eg
        if has_options:
            stream = add_label_options(stream, label)
            stream = add_label_to_stream(stream, label)

to end of texcat. it does not work I also add that to end of
recipe manual...again it does not work...!
Am I doing any mistake? could be related to my jsonl data? can you give me a step by step way to manually annotate my data and then make a model based on my annotation?