I have spacy 3.0.5 and nightly 1.11.0a. I was following " Training a NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION MODEL with Prodigy and Transfer Learning" and used command for 1st level of teaching it is working
But while I am running
prodigy terms.teach dl_test en_core_web_trf --seeds insults.txtI am getting the error
ValueError: [E010] Word vectors set to length 0. This may be because you don't have a model installed or loaded, or because your model doesn't include word vectorsI tried with "en_core_web_sm" also I am getting the same error. Could you help me with that?
Also, I would like to convey that I am trying to detect "deep learning" related words from a resume or a white paper. Could you guide me on which dictionary/model to start with for the teaching?
For example, in the "food ingredients" project you used "s2v_reddit_2015_md". I believe "s2v_reddit_2015_md" contains mostly food related discussion?
I tried to run
prodigy sense2vec.teach dl_test ./s2v_reddit_2015_md --seeds "neural network,keras,theano,face detection,convolutional neural network,recurrent neural network,object detection,yolo,gpu,cuda,tensorflow,opencv,computer vision,Region Based Convolutional Neural Networks (R-CNN),single shot detection (ssd),overfeat network,mask R-CNN,mobilenet"but I got the error ✘ Can't find seed term in vectors