Share datasets between prodi gy users

Yes, that makes a lot of sense and is a good way to approach datasets IMO. Maybe you could just implement a simple command/recipe that each developer can run to add their annotations to the "master database". Under the hood, that would just use db.get_dataset (personal DB) and then db.add_examples (master DB). Since it's just a Python script, you can do pretty much anything in there – for example, you could even make it send you a Slack notification like "Arnault just added 345 examples to master dataset xyz and said: 'Annotation done! Let me know what you think!'" :sweat_smile:

If you have overlapping annotations (e.g. same data annotated by different people, potentially with conflicts), you might also want to look at the review recipe as a way to create "merged master datasets": Built-in Recipes · Prodigy · An annotation tool for AI, Machine Learning & NLP

You might also find this comment helpful – it's more about general strategies for annotating and developing together as a team: