Dear all,
I annotated the data by regex and made that in the desired format for prodigy as you see
{"text":"As shown in Figure 2B, the Sun is assumed to be at the center of the planetary system.","spans": [{"start":11,"end":20,"label":"DATE"}]}
as I got in order to manually revise my annotation I need to
python -m prodigy dataset ner_01
python -m prodigy ner.manual ner_01 en_core_web_sm NER_01.jsonl --label "DATE"
but every time I tried this after a few sentence it failed with this error
Mismatched tokenization. Can't resolve span to token index .... This can happen if your data contains pre-set spans. Make sure that the spans match spaCy's tokenization or add a 'tokens' property to your task.
my data of course has pre-set span ...I thought becuase It has already label I do not need to call label"s name I tried this
python -m prodigy ner.manual ner_01 en_core_web_sm NER_01.jsonl
then I had all labels like ORG. and which is not my case..could you let me know what is wrong