Review recipe UI customization


We are using a review recipe and we would like to hide the annotator's panel within a review recipe as we want to review the job of only one annotator. How can we do that? Is it possible to use the prodigy.json configuration file via the global_css attribute?

Another one : Is there a way to add more styles to the meta attribute :
{'text':text, 'meta':{"source_text":source_text, "doc_id":docid}, 'tokens':tokens, 'spans':spans, 'relations':relations, 'answer':'accept', '_annotator_id':'AI', '_session_id':'AI'}

Hi @evince360,

Yes, you should be able to modify the styling of these elements via global_css config setting.
For meta Prodigy exposes a CSS class .prodigy-meta to make it easier. So in your CSS you should be able to state:

 .prodigy-meta {
    background-color: yellow;

to change its background color to yellow, for example.

As to hiding the "annotator's panel", I'm not exactly sure which part of the review UI you are referring to. If it's the "consensus" view at the very top, you will have to look up the CSS selector of this element via your browser's developer tools as we don't expose the CSS class for it (it's not a typical element to customize). For the "consensus" view it would be:

div.prodigy-content:nth-child(3) {
    display: none;

If it's any other element, you would need to find it's CSS selector and set its display to none as in the example above.
Alternatively, you can send me a screenshot marking the element you want to hide and I can help you to find the right CSS selector.

hello again,

We want to hide this content in our review ui. As i said as we have only one annotator we don't need this

Hi @evince360,

I see. Normally you would use review for datasets annotated with more than one annotator which is why I understood you want to revise annotation of one of them (out of many).
If you want to review and/or modify the annotations of just one annotator, it is more straightforward to use the mark recipe. You just need to specify the entity labels as relations_span_labels in .prodigy.json as the CLI of mark is more generic, so, for example:

# .prodigy.json
{"relations_span_labels": ["PER","ORG"]}

If you want to stick with the review and hide the revisions container, you should be able to do that with the following CSS:

# .prodigy.json
{"global_css":"[class*='_Review-container'] {visibility: hidden;}"}

Note that that the container is hidden, rather than not displayed. This is because you still need to keep the context of the container so that you don't run into javascript runtime errors.