Hi Prodigy team,
I have upgraded the prodigy to 1.10 and annotated using rel.manual receipe around 500 annotations for both spans and relations, now i do not know how shall i train for ner using the same. Whenever i try to train for ner using :
CMD: prodigy train ner rel_compdict_v1 ./ner_v1 -es 0.2 -o ./ner_teach_v3
where 'rel_compdict_v1' is the dataset annotated usinf rel.manual receipe
it shows me followin error:
✘ Invalid data for component 'ner'
spans -> 16 -> start field required
spans -> 16 -> end field required
and when i train for parser using:
prodigy train parser rel_compdict_v1 ./ner_v1 -es 0.2 -o ./ner_teach_v3
i get:
Created and merged data for 522 total examples
Using 418 train / 104 eval (split 20%)
Component: parser | Batch size: compounding | Dropout: 0.2 | Iterations: 10
Baseline accuracy: 0.000
=========================== Training the model ===========================
Saved model: /home/sahil/py/matterhorn/sahil/ner_teach_v3
but the model is not trained.
Please help..