I have fairly large docs (~1000 tokens each) which I want to use prodigy span cat for annotation. I have reduced smallText and increased cardMaxWidth. However, the current interface (i.e. card) still looks quite sparse and negatively affects its annotation usability. Mainly the line spacing is v large.
I have tried setting global_css as below but the spacing between the text line and label highlight is still significantly larger than I hope for (screenshot attached: text are from publicly available clinical note).
"global_css": ".prodigy-content > div { line-height: 0.0; padding: 0}"
Many thanks Ryan! I can't seem to find the .c01134 element in inspect on Chrome, or anywhere on inspect that can adjust the line spacing between sentences
I have used inspect to adjust the height for the "Good_SRC" label and the horizontal line (they are 3 lines and I had to adjust each one by one). But I couldn't find where to adjust the height for the purple highlighted blocks (supposed to cover the relevant text "Bipolar affective disorder"). Is it any easier way to do this?