patterns using regex or shape

As written it is not updating the db, even when saving from the interface or when several batches have been processed. I do not know why. I ended up updating the db in the custom teach method ( as well as made it applicable to all pattern files).

import prodigy
from import teach
from prodigy.components.db import connect

import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
import json

    database=("Database to connect to", "positional", None, str),
def custom_ner_teach(dataset, spacy_model, database, patterns, label):
    """Custom wrapper for ner.teach recipe that replaces the stream.
        Automatically rejects a suggested annotation if it does 
            not match from the patterns file

    components = teach(dataset=dataset, spacy_model=spacy_model,
                       source=database, label=label, patterns=patterns)

    original_stream = components['stream']
    original_update = components['update']

    # add all the patterns to the matcher
    nlp = spacy.load('en')
    matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)

    # read in patterns file and for each pattern add it to spacy matcher
    with open(str(patterns), "r") as f:
        for line in f:
            print (line)
            matcher.add(label, None, json.loads(line)['pattern'])

    bad_spans = []

    def get_modified_stream():
        nonlocal bad_spans  # want to update this outside of the function
        j = 0
        for eg in original_stream:
            # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
            is_rejected = False
            for span in eg['spans']:
                doc = nlp(span['text'])
                matches = matcher(doc)

                # has to have appropriate label and not be a match in order to reject
                if span['label'] == label and matches == []:
                    eg['answer'] = 'reject'  # auto-reject
                    is_rejected = True
                    if j % 10 == 0:
                        print('rejected', str(j), ' spans that did not match the pattern so far')
                    j += 1

            if is_rejected:
                yield eg

    def modified_update(batch):
        nonlocal bad_spans
        batch=batch + bad_spans

        # update db with rejects
        # reset rejects
        return original_update(batch)

    def update_db(bad_spans):
        # data = db.get_dataset(dataset)
        db.add_examples(bad_spans, datasets=[dataset])
        print ('added ', len(bad_spans), ' to db')

    components['config']['label']=label  # hack to fix incorrect labeling of label

    return components

usage looks like:

prodigy must_match_pattern.ner.teach [db-name] [model path]  [data source path] --label [label name] --patterns [path to patternsfile] -F

I am getting a 30x speed up in terms of annotation rate - you guys should add something like this for the next version. Maybe just add a must_match_pattern flag to teach.

Also, sorry I can't get the code to look pretty - maybe you can fix it?