Hello - I'm running into a problem with some tags, and not sure what might be causing it!
I'm annotating some medical data, pulling out, among other things, biomarkers. Two tags I have are BIOMARKER_NAME and BIOMARKER_RESULT.
I was noticing the model seemed to be learning some things (like finding intensity scores, or other outcomes) very quickly, and not learning new biomarker names at all.
When I investigated the annotations with db-out, I saw that some of the tags had been saved as (lowercase) biomarker_name and biomarker_result. When I did something like ner.correct asking for the BIOMARKER_NAME or BIOMARKER_RESULT tags, none of the lowercased ones were being displayed.
Reviewing the commands to prodigy, I never used the lowercase label when doing any training. Any ideas what's going on?